Check the Facts
With zero experience as a judge, Mark Curran is a far-right extremist who is totally unqualified to serve on the State Supreme Court. In addition to his ultra-MAGA views on abortion, election fraud, and January 6th, Curran has been rated “not recommended” by the Illinois State Bar Association.
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Mark Curran has made his anti-woman views clear by attending numerous anti-choice rallies and donating his own campaign funds to anti-abortion groups.
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Illinois Right to Life Action, an extremist anti-choice group, once ranked Mark Curran as the “most pro-life candidate” and has rated him “qualified” for the Supreme Court.
Curran once said Black people were committing genocide against themselves because of their high abortion rates.
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Curran once said Black people were committing genocide against themselves because of their high abortion rates.
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Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, Mark Curran said: “For those that believe in the protection of the child in the womb than (sic) you should thank Donald J. Trump.” He later celebrated the overturning of Roe, saying: “I never thought I would see the day. This is why we voted for Trump.”
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After the 2020 election, Mark Curran followed Donald Trump’s lead by spreading dangerous disinformation about massive voter fraud and resharing fringe conspiracy theories from extreme right-wing outlets claiming the election was stolen.
Mark Curran not only suggested the election was rigged nationally, but he also tried to undermine the will of Illinois voters by spreading lies about a fake cover-up of voter fraud in our state.
After the January 6th insurrection, Mark Curran spread harmful conspiracies and misinformation blaming the violent attack on Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Mike Burke agrees with the Supreme Court’s devastating decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, calling both himself and the justices who overturned Roe “originalists.”
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Burke was rated by extremist anti-choice group Illinois Right to Life Action as “qualified” and frequently attends their events.
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Burke was once a member of the DuPage County St. Thomas More Society of Catholic Lawyers, whose president, Thomas Olp, filed a brief in the Supreme Court case in support of overturning Roe. Olp also sits on the board of the national Thomas More Society, which sued to overturn landmark state abortion legislation that required health insurers cover abortions and repealed a law criminalizing abortions.
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Grundy County Sheriff Ken Briley, identified by the Anti-Defamation League as an official member of the Oath Keepers extremist group, supported Mike Burke at his campaign launch event and continues to campaign with him.
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Burke is campaigning with Jennifer Sanalitro, candidate for state representative in the 48th district who went to the Capitol on January 6th and participated in the “Save America” rally that led to the violent attack.